
Memorandum Of Crossborder Cooperation For The Composition And Development Of Biotourism At Prespa Korce Area
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Παρασκευή, 20 Σεπτέμβριος 2013 14:51


The memorandum of cooperation is about a local vision and a plan of a horizontal Cross Border Cooperation with local government, businesses and collective social organizations to exploit more efficiently the natural and cultural assets of the region Prespa - Korce.

The aim of the project is to create an appropriate and conducive business environment not only to support existing businesses, but also to generate new by utilizing inactive human and material resources of the areas, which need the development of social capital cooperation and trust in order to thrive.

The means proposed for this purpose are:

  • the "Social Development Partnerships" in collaboration with Local Government that will undertake to promote organizational and institutional infrastructure.
  • Social Co partnerships that can unite individuals for entrepreneurial initiatives in social experience tourism and overall in biotourism.
  • A portal (http://www.cbc-biotourism-portal.eu) that can work as management for the demonstration of the digital content as well as consultation and dialogue on the subject of tourism development and the biotourismproduct.
  • The cooperation agreement and the program in overall, to support coordinated synergies and to obtain business initiatives through trust and understanding based on the dynamics of both human social networks and social media on the internet.

In particular, it is based on the dissemination of organizational knowledge and knowledge management through training and e-learning.

The Cooperation highlights not only the care it needs, but also the organizational infrastructure so that this process can work after completion of the program.

Some of theagreementson acommon framework:

  1. Establishment of the institution of consultation involving all actors of this cooperation agreement and holding an annual border conference on the development of social economy and biotourism.
  2. Local Organization report on what is offered in the region and participation in other important exhibitions in Greece, Albania and Europe in general.
  3. Utilization of thebiotourismportal database to promote expertise and good practice in all municipalities and social organizations of Transboundary Cooperation.
  4. Ability of project funding directly from the European Union by setting up a cartel Local Government, Civil Society Organisations, social enterprises and individuals.
  5. Utilization of programs to support business projects within the European context development of social economy and social cooperatives.
  6. Promotion of social partnership between municipalities and civil society organizations and enterprises to implement pilot action plans at the regional level.
  7. Working together to educate and train officers in social entrepreneurship by conducting seminars and workshops, with the collaboration level publicity and promotion in order to best inform the public about the content and scope of the above actions.

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